Create and launch your own GPT site in 3 easy steps

Transform your brand or business with our interactive GPT solutions optimizing discovery, engagement and sales both online and offline – out- out -house.

Control by you, Powered By AI.

By entering your email, you agree to receive marketing emails from Feeda.


Choose & customize a theme

Customize the design of your GPT site hundreds of themes. No design experience or programming skills required.


Add Prompts

Add your prompts to the site to help you vistors and users find what they need. List with your best images, custom fonts and descriptions.


Publish online or OOH

Launch your GPT site as a PWA which is fully responsive website both online with free hosting or across our network of OOH displays

Launch your brand or business

Online and Offline

"Feeda is better than any other GPT platform we've played with, and we've played with them all."

DJ Khaled, Founder of The Licking

DJ Khaled, Founder of The Licking

"Feeda is better than any other GPT platform we've played with, and we've played with them all."

DJ Khaled, Founder of The Licking

DJ Khaled, Founder of The Licking

"Feeda is better than any other GPT platform we've played with, and we've played with them all."

DJ Khaled, Founder of The Licking

DJ Khaled, Founder of The Licking

Start free trial